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The GAGLIANO LEGAL studio was founded in 2007 on the initiative and by the Avv. Gilda Gagliano who, after years of training and experience in the field of commercial law, decides to comply with her passion for everything that is the result of creativity specializing in the field of intellectual property and industrial law..

This, in 2016 he attends the Convey srl master’s degree in intellectual property protection and the fight against counterfeiting in Milan In Milan he also holds an internship at a prestigious law firm specializing in intellectual property and, after the completion of the master and internship, decides to return to Palermo to found his own law firm specialized in this sector.

At the same time as the founding of the GAGLIANO LEGAL studio, Avv. Gilda Gagliano in 2007 became a contract university lecturer in the subject “The protection of the creative product” at the industrial design department of the Faculty of Architecture of Palermo until 2010.

The studio immediately began to provide legal assistance to designers, companies that also operate in the digital sector, for the protection of trademarks, patents, design, software, apps, databases, and artists for the protection of their copyright.

Today GAGLIANO LEGAL enters the market as a boutique law firm that offers specialized legal services tailored to the needs of the individual customer.

The activity of the firm is expressed in legal advice for the drafting of pro-veritate on intellectual property (IP), for the drafting of sectoral contracts (both national and international), for the registration of trademarks (both national, and european, and international), for the registration of models and designs (both national and european and international), for the execution of priority searches, for the protection of trademarks, models and designs, and patents, both in administrative both in the jurisdictional context, for the protection of domain names, for the protection of know-how, for the protection of copyright, for the protection of related rights, for the protection of intellectual property (IP) before the customs authority, for protection in the event of unfair competition, counterfeiting, plagiarism, etc

Although intellectual property is the core business of the firm, GAGLIANO LEGAL also offers integrated legal services in the fields of commercial law, del corporate law, dell’antitrust and data protection..

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